conti Ordinary Girl: Every word is a Du'a.

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Every word is a Du'a.

Every word/utterance is Du'a. So, be careful in speaking. Although it's a complaint. Because, could have been that ALLAH SWT grant/ijabah all of what we said.

Utterance is not just words that have no meaning, because every word spoken was connected with the intellect and our minds. So, every word what we say from the mouth will be absorbed brain, and then it's words will be instructions/orders to brains to do something or think something.

Utterance is also very influential on fate, because every utterance is like a Du'a which is almost always granted/Ijabah by ALLAH. So, when we say that we not able of doing something, it the same like Du'a that we not able of doing a something that.

Without realizing it, we may ever say one or two words that hurt someone's feelings. Maybe family members, friends, best friends, etc.

If pain because physical injury, it could be seen and treated quickly. But, if pain in the heart (feelings), who knows (?). Even sometimes / often times we have to fight hard to get his/her apology. Hope we can be cautious/careful to speak although in jest/joke.

Utterance is Du'a, and very influence to what was say and also what is done by the person.

"Starting from the words, and then a feeling created."
Because the words themselves are a reflection of ourselves, because the words themselves are suggestions. 

 Every word what we say, positive or negative, actually emerged from the ideas and of our subconscious. They are tightly interconnected with each other. 

Be careful/be cautious, because every word what we say is a Du'a or most powerful spells. Nature also will respond and give strength in every word what we say.

A word will be so strong, when we speak in anger and high emotion.
So, don't let it all backfired for ourselves, because what we say is what will happen.
Therefore, we must be a wise to use our minds, because our minds will be a words what we say.

Prophet Muhammad SAW is a very polite person, even when upset/angry he never put the words that are not pleasant to hear. Strands du'a always flowing from his mouth, SubhanALLAH <3 p="">
Good personal is able to contol his/her anger, conditions like anything should be faced and should be able to handle it, and also speak soft. I mean, speak soft is don't hurt the feelings of those who hear. Can understand what i mean, right? :o

In terms of religion (Islam in particular), manners in speak is also recommended. As the Prophet Muhammad SAW said  “Kullu kalam addu’a”  which means every word is Du'a. Altough it's a good word or bad, both contain elements of Du'a for those who speak it.


Prophet Muhammad : 
"Whoever believes in ALLAH and the Last Day then let him/her  speak good or keep quiet."
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: 
"are saying a Muslims is humans who survived/safe the dangers of the tongue, and hands. "

Imam Ali Radhiallahu’anhu said:
"Evil heart lies in her/his mouth, and good mouth (kind word) lies in his/her heart."

Hopefully this post was helpful to us all senang

Guys, maaf sebelumnya kalau bahasa inggris ku so bad bhahaha :|

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