conti Ordinary Girl: Agustus 2013

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Women/girls can cry in laughter and also she can laugh with tears. When she says: " I'm fine/I'm alright ", actually her heart . . . . . .

They (women/girls) a little trouble reveal her heart, her wounds, even all that make her hurt. If they're able to express it/to tell, they're not able to reveal everything, and always there is left to be revealed. Because in such conditions, women/girls still think of her boyfriend/husband feelings. They don't want her boyfriend / husband sad and doubt though at the same time her heart was destroyed.

Seperti "kapas yang beterbangan yang sulit untuk disatukan kembali dalam sebuah hati yang utuh."

As strong and powerful as any woman, she would cry. Either with or without the flow of tears. In a drop of her tears there are millions of words full of meaning that couldn't be spoken.

Women/girls are creatures of ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala meaningful. Don't ever hurt her, because she was created not for the hurt (:

Woman/girls wasn't created from head to be a leader and also she wasn't created from the feet to be used as the base, but she was created from the rib to be companion, close to the hand to be protected and close to the heart to be loved.

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Who would accompany my days, be patient waiting for my arrival.
Really, i actually really waiting your arrival.
But, i'll also always be patient waiting for your arrival.

My life partner who would decorate my days,
While waiting for that moment comes,
I hope you fix yourself while preparing for religious knowledge which will be used later when we'll build a household senang

I'm also preparing myself to worth to be your life companion.
Not possessions or throne which i choose, but who is more religion i choose.

My life companion,
Find me in your istikharah :) Because the istikharah, ALLAH will someday bring us at a meeting in the sacred bond of marriage, Aamiin malaikat

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Love is Beautiful

I'm not begging you to love me.
I'm not really even asking you.
But, wouldn't it be all right
If i cherished the hope in my heart?
If i yearned to hold your hand.
It would only hurt me - not you.
If you didn't notice me,
My heart would be aching - not yours.
But, if you did notice me,
Or even, by any chance,
Gazed into my eyes,
I would try not to tremble.
But, please,
Don't ask me not to love you..

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

I still laugh though i really wanted to cry.
I still smile though i'm actually disappointed.
I still strong though i'm actually already weak.
I still spirit though i was oppressed the problem.

And most importantly;
I remained patient and look everything alright even though my heart is being miserable because i know that ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala always by my side (:


Happiness is a lot like oxygen, there's lots of it, and it's always available. If someone has difficulty breathing, it's not because there's no oxygen, but because of the occurrence of disturbances in the respiratory system.
So, if we trouble to be happy surely not because stock happiness already rare, but because the occurrence of psychiatric disorders within our system.

Conflict with ourselves is:
-Thoughts and feelings,
-Willingness and confidence,
-The attitude and actions.

Harmonize conflicts that exist in ourselves:
- Acceptance self
- Introspective
- Easy to forgive
- Always humble
- More love
- Cope with disappointment.
- Bury the heartache.

The first step to get the happiness ( to be happy) is :
- Stop comparing ourselves with others and learn to be grateful.
- Make our hearts always peaceful, so that we can beatify ourselves and others.
- Happiness will we get if we can free ourselves from excessive worries.

People who know how to be grateful is one who can enjoy the beauty of the world and know the meaning of happiness in life.

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Happy Eid Ul-Fitr 1434 H

Assalamualaikum (: Akhirnya tiba juga hari yang dinanti oleh semua umat Muslim, yaitu dimana kita mencapai kemenangan. Setelah satu bulan kita menjalani ibadah puasa dan pada hari ini dan kemarin kita merayakan Idul Fitri pesta

The spirit behind observing Eid-ul-Fitr is to "rededicate ourselves to truthfulness, sincerity, self-control, patience and human dignity showing complete obedience to Allah", Omar said in his Eid message.

And after the long fast month, the human soul returns to it’s pristine state of cleanliness and purity, hence the celebration of ‘Eid Ul-Fitr’. It’s not just another ordinary festive days, but it's a new start.

Wish we have learned a lot and shared a lot. Let’s be thankful from the deep of our heart malaikat.

Satukan tangan, satukan hati, itulah indahnya Silaturahmi.
Di Hari Kemenangan, kita padukan keikhlasan untuk saling memaafkan tersenyum lebar.

 And let me say,
“May every minute of Eid fill your heart with happiness, wishing you the very best of Eid and the very best of life, bless your life with peace, prosperity, and also may Eid ul-Fitr bring abundant joy and happiness in you life. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin senang."

Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Malam Takbir 2013

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. 
Laa Ilaha Illallahu Allahu Akbar. 
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamd. 

Allahu Akbar Kabira, 
Walhamdulillahi Katsira Wa Subhanallahi Bukrataw Wa`ashila.
Laa ilaha Illallahu Wala Na`budu Illa Iyyahu Muhlishina Lahuddin Walaw Karihal Kafirun.
Laa ilahaillahu Wahdah Shadaqa Wa'dah Wa Nashara `abdah, Wa`a`aza Jundahu Wahazamal Ahzaba Wahdah.
Laa ilaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamd.

Dua puluh sembilan hari telah berlalu. the Holy Month will soon leave us all dan berganti dengan bulan Syawal.
Hmmm hari ini adalah hari yang membuatku sedih, karena tadi pagi adalah Shalat Subuh terakhir di bulan Ramadhan. Hari ini adalah hari yang membuatku sedih, karena kesempatan terakhir untuk mendapatkan lailatul qadar semalam telah berlalu. Dan malam ini, bulan penuh keberkahan ini benar-benar akan berlalu   ಥ_ಥ

Well, banyak mereka yang senang ketika Ramadhan akan berakhir, tetapi tidak untuk ku. Aku merasa sangat sedih ketika Ramadhan akan berakhir. Rasa sedih ku memang tak mampu bersaing dengan kesedihan generasi terbaik yang penuh berurai air mata di akhir Ramadhan. Aku masih merasa mempunyai banyak dosa, dan kalau seandainya ALLAH mencabut nyawa ku sekarang, aku benar-benar belum siap karena masih banyak dosa dan juga belum bisa benar-benar membahagiakan orang tua.

Malam ini (Malam Takbir) benar-benar sedih bahkan saking sedihnya air mata sudah habis dan sudah nggak keluar lagi, hahahaa  wajah tanpa emosi. Rasa sedih ini tidak bisa digambarkan oleh kata-kata atau apapun.

Malam ini aku hanya berada di rumah lho! :"D Sebenarnya banyak yang ngajak keluar, tetapi aku nggak mau. Benar-benar malas untuk keluar rumah, nggak tau kenapa cemas

Btw malam ini banyak banget ya kembang api di langit hehe, dan juga banyak bintang walaupun tadi sehabis Adzan Isya ada hujan. I really like looking at stars in the sky. I love the stars .

Ohiya, selamat hari raya Idul Fitri, teman-teman semua! Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.  Semoga amal ibadah kita diterima oleh ALLAH,  semua kebiasaan baik yang kita lakukan di bulan Ramadhan terus berlanjut di bulan-bulan lainnya, semoga selalu diberi kesehatan dan juga panjang umur agar kita bisa bertemu kembali dengan Ramadhan di tahun berikutnya, Aamiin yaRabb. Happy Eid Mubarak 1434 H. I wishing you a happy. May the blessing of Allah fill our life with peace, joy and prosperity, Aamiin senang

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

A Love Story.


A young couple was very much in love and decided to get married.

Some months before marriage, the bride had an accident and remained with face completely disfigured. She write to her fiance :
"I can’t marry you, I will stay sharp and ugly forever. Find another beautiful young woman as you deserve, because i’m not worthy of you!”

Few days later, she received this answer from her fiance :
”Whoever is truly sham full is me, i thrust in that following to eye disease, the doctor just told me that i will stay blind forever! If despite this, you want to accept me, i still want to marry you!”

They get married at that time, the fiance was totally blind.  They lived 20 years in LOVE, in joy and understanding. She was his guide and became his eyes and light. LOVE has guided into the tunnel of darkness.

One day, she became seriously ill and dying, she regretted living him alone in the darkness.
The day she died, he opened his eyes to the  astonishment of all!!
”Actually, i was not blind, he said. I pretended that i was blind, for distressed her in the thought that i will see her face disfigured. Now my LOVE based on her!”