Semoga ini bukan pertanda bahwa kamu bukan lagi pria yang kukenal.
I don't know with all of the changes / your differences just because you were bored with me or maybe you've found another girl who makes you feel comfortable, feel more complete, etc
I really really do love you, but
Aku berusaha diam dan hanya bisa mengamatimu dengan segala permainanmu
Our last conversation has become my reason to feel sad few days.
The distance between us is very far away, very far away.
Selama ini, i tried and tried not to talk.
Aku mencoba menerima bahwa kita kini tak lagi sama.
Perbedaan itu semakin terasa.
You don't know how clearly i feel very upset, hurt, sad, devastated, etc. when you start talking about the girls who stole your attention!
Are you trying to give me a signal that you asked me to stay away and no longer wish we could close as before?
Hm, because i love to write,
I suddenly remembered the sweet beginning of our meeting, the difference between time and distance, cultural differences, and all the difference.
Thanks for sharing your life with me everyday,
Always accompany me while i'm sleeping, wake me up, accompany me while i'm studying,etc
Thank you so much.
Every time i remember this, i felt like crying.
I just realized that in fact i really need you,
But i know, you don't love me anymore
Your love is not mine anymore, but milik perempuan yang beruntung itu. Aku sangat mengerti mengapa kamu lebih memilih dia daripada aku.
Her English is so good, she is very smart, she is very Sholehah, she is so beautiful, she is very kind, and i'm sure that you are very comfortable and feel more complete with her.
Perempuan itu berasal dari Negara Suriah. She is simply amazing!! ♡ ♡
A Muslim man surely want to be Imam for for the woman he loves, leading Shalat Jama'ah along with their baby, and also want to go to Hajj with a woman he loves :)
I can only hope that you're always happy with her (◦' ⌣ '◦)
Kamu telah berubah be someone who doesn't love me anymore
You're too cool with your world without thinking about the people around you.
Bahkan kamu mengesampingkan perasaanku.
You've broken my trust , broken all my trust.
He broke My Trust.
My trust in the past to you 100%, but now only a few percent
Kamu lebih memilih dengannya yang belum begitu jelas.
Padahal yang sudah jelas aku disini. Ada aku yang Nyata dan Ada
Maybe, i'm a foolish girl,
Aku dibutakan oleh cinta.
Stupid girl, stupid girl!!
Kali ini, i feel we are getting away.
Hubungan kita saat ini seakan seperti formalitas karena masih ada hal yang belum terselesaikan.
Aku tidak menemukan rindu di matamu anymore.
You don't care any more about me, about myself.
Oh yea, i'm so emotionally shocked and confused
How could you say this???!!

Okay, nothing needs to be explained.
Everything is clear
I don't know with all of the changes / your differences just because you were bored with me or maybe you've found another girl who makes you feel comfortable, feel more complete, etc
I really really do love you, but
Aku berusaha diam dan hanya bisa mengamatimu dengan segala permainanmu
Our last conversation has become my reason to feel sad few days.
The distance between us is very far away, very far away.
Selama ini, i tried and tried not to talk.
Aku mencoba menerima bahwa kita kini tak lagi sama.
Perbedaan itu semakin terasa.
You don't know how clearly i feel very upset, hurt, sad, devastated, etc. when you start talking about the girls who stole your attention!
Are you trying to give me a signal that you asked me to stay away and no longer wish we could close as before?
Hm, because i love to write,
I suddenly remembered the sweet beginning of our meeting, the difference between time and distance, cultural differences, and all the difference.
Thanks for sharing your life with me everyday,
Always accompany me while i'm sleeping, wake me up, accompany me while i'm studying,etc
Every time i remember this, i felt like crying.
I just realized that in fact i really need you,
But i know, you don't love me anymore
Your love is not mine anymore, but milik perempuan yang beruntung itu. Aku sangat mengerti mengapa kamu lebih memilih dia daripada aku.
Her English is so good, she is very smart, she is very Sholehah, she is so beautiful, she is very kind, and i'm sure that you are very comfortable and feel more complete with her.
Perempuan itu berasal dari Negara Suriah. She is simply amazing!! ♡ ♡
A Muslim man surely want to be Imam for for the woman he loves, leading Shalat Jama'ah along with their baby, and also want to go to Hajj with a woman he loves :)
I can only hope that you're always happy with her (◦' ⌣ '◦)
Kamu telah berubah be someone who doesn't love me anymore
You're too cool with your world without thinking about the people around you.
Bahkan kamu mengesampingkan perasaanku.
You've broken my trust , broken all my trust.
He broke My Trust.
My trust in the past to you 100%, but now only a few percent
Kamu lebih memilih dengannya yang belum begitu jelas.
Padahal yang sudah jelas aku disini. Ada aku yang Nyata dan Ada
Aku selalu menemani mu disaat kamu lelah,
Aku selalu setia mendengarkan semua keluh kesah mu,
Aku selalu setia mendengarkan semua ceritamu,
Aku ada disaat kamu sedang mengalami masalah dengan Mama mu,
Aku selalu setia berada disamping mu.
Aku selalu setia mendengarkan semua keluh kesah mu,
Aku selalu setia mendengarkan semua ceritamu,
Aku ada disaat kamu sedang mengalami masalah dengan Mama mu,
Aku selalu setia berada disamping mu.
Maybe, i'm a foolish girl,
Aku dibutakan oleh cinta.
Stupid girl, stupid girl!!
Kali ini, i feel we are getting away.
Hubungan kita saat ini seakan seperti formalitas karena masih ada hal yang belum terselesaikan.
Aku tidak menemukan rindu di matamu anymore.
You don't care any more about me, about myself.
Oh yea, i'm so emotionally shocked and confused

I can't believe this.
How could you say it Okay, nothing needs to be explained.
Everything is clear
I really hope you can be a better person than before
Taking lessons from the past. Never again playing with the hearts of girls.
I hope you realize this, what you did was wrong.
I don't want you get KARMA.
I don't want you get KARMA.
I always make Du'a for your happiness 
From : Perempuan yang hatinya sedang terluka
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