conti Ordinary Girl

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Hey, you know? Finally right, you make me feel so bad! Make me feel stupid thing because still trust you and love you!! You hurt me but i still love you and i know you don't feel the same way :')
This thing keep playing in my mind, i wish i can throw them away, haha.
I don't wanna remember anything about you anymore tengkorak It just so hurt, hurt me so much.

It's bad to me but not to you right? senang Dammmm!! tertawa
Just because we're not close, its doesn't mean i don't care about you.
Should you know that my feeling to you now habibi, i miss you, i really really . . . . .  . . .
A i cant say anything else. I'm empty ngambek

Hm, i always make Du'a for you, for your happiness malaikat
I will go from your life, as long as you're happy, it will makes me happy too ^-^

 Thanks for all this, thanks for everything. I really appreciate it ♥ 

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