Who would accompany my days, be patient waiting for my arrival.
Really, i actually really waiting your arrival.
But, i'll also always be patient waiting for your arrival.
My life partner who would decorate my days,
While waiting for that moment comes,
I'm also preparing myself to worth to be your life companion.
Not possessions or throne which i choose, but who is more religion i choose.
My life companion,
Find me in your istikharah :) Because the istikharah, ALLAH will someday bring us at a meeting in the sacred bond of marriage, Aamiin
Really, i actually really waiting your arrival.
But, i'll also always be patient waiting for your arrival.
My life partner who would decorate my days,
While waiting for that moment comes,
I hope you fix yourself while preparing for religious knowledge which will be used later when we'll build a household 
I'm also preparing myself to worth to be your life companion.
My life companion,
Find me in your istikharah :) Because the istikharah, ALLAH will someday bring us at a meeting in the sacred bond of marriage, Aamiin
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