conti Ordinary Girl: HAPPINESS

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013


Happiness is a lot like oxygen, there's lots of it, and it's always available. If someone has difficulty breathing, it's not because there's no oxygen, but because of the occurrence of disturbances in the respiratory system.
So, if we trouble to be happy surely not because stock happiness already rare, but because the occurrence of psychiatric disorders within our system.

Conflict with ourselves is:
-Thoughts and feelings,
-Willingness and confidence,
-The attitude and actions.

Harmonize conflicts that exist in ourselves:
- Acceptance self
- Introspective
- Easy to forgive
- Always humble
- More love
- Cope with disappointment.
- Bury the heartache.

The first step to get the happiness ( to be happy) is :
- Stop comparing ourselves with others and learn to be grateful.
- Make our hearts always peaceful, so that we can beatify ourselves and others.
- Happiness will we get if we can free ourselves from excessive worries.

People who know how to be grateful is one who can enjoy the beauty of the world and know the meaning of happiness in life.

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