YaALLAH, can i love him?
YaALLAH, can i feel with him?
YaALLAH, can i miss him?
YaALLAH, can i feel with him?
YaALLAH, can i miss him?
If i sense this started destroying my whole heart
I was unable to bear its own
I need backrest heart to soothe this my heart.
to whom i will anchoring this love?
To this day i can't find the answer, haha.
I was unable to bear its own
I need backrest heart to soothe this my heart.
to whom i will anchoring this love?
To this day i can't find the answer, haha.
If he can be the best for my heart
will I surrender it all to Thee.
if he's right You (ALLAH) choose for me.
Not where my heart would looking the lovely heart.
will I surrender it all to Thee.
if he's right You (ALLAH) choose for me.
Not where my heart would looking the lovely heart.
If he is not the best for me
I try sincere for it all
although pain to bear this.
I try sincere for it all
although pain to bear this.
YaALLAH, if indeed you (ALLAH) match me with him,
Unite me with him,
And meeting with me in a full bond and the full blessing halal.
Where if not in marriage 
Hopefully, this love, this pity, longing blossomed as beautiful as the sun is shining on the earth
to build a harmonious family, and warahmah mawadah later with you later, Aamiin.
I'm sorry btw, if my english is bad.
My english is bulepotan, haha, LOL!
My english is bulepotan, haha, LOL!
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